June 27, 2010

Rome Pictures


My pictures from my trip to Rome last weekend have now been uploaded. You can see them here.

June 15, 2010

June 13, 2010

Reactions to USA England Game

This morning I made sure to stop by WH Smiths to see the different British newspapers' reactions to the US drawing England last night in the world cup. There were a couple good ones. My favourite was the "Hand of Clod", which is a play on Maradona's "hand of god" goal.

Hand of Clod goal

June 2, 2010

One year anniversary

This blog has been going for over a year now. When it was started, I was preparing to take the LSAT and waiting for my visa. Now i've been living in Scotland for nine months. I plan on making some improvements to this blog soon and come up with a new layout.

The World Cup will be starting in a little more than a week. I'm looking forward to the USA-England match. Hopefully the US will win so I can be obnoxious. I'll be heading to Rome on the 17th for the weekend.